World Wide Wood Turners Logo

World Wide Wood Turners Meeting

Worldwidewoodturners invites you to join us weekly for our meeting.

  • Wednesday, 6:00 – 9:00 PM CT.

Weekly, we have segments that may differ slightly. However, the meetings typically include how-to demonstrations, tips & tricks, safety moments, a video gallery of turned projects, and live folks showing their latest work. Of course, there is much, much more, but, come and visit to see.

To join the meeting:

  • Go to the home page and look at the countdown clock, identifying when the next meeting is in your time zone.
  • Return to the website the day/time of the next meeting and click “GO TO MEETING,” You will be dropped right into the meeting.
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Feb 26 2025


6:00 PM - 9:00 PM




Eddie Castelin

3 thoughts on “World Wide Wood Turners Meeting”

  1. On the WWWT website change all yellow and white lettering to something people with cataracts can read, like red or black.

    1. I will make an attempt, over the next several days to address your concern. We will see what we can do. The problem may reside in the fact that black will not show up everywhere as the result of some backgrounds, and some people with Red/Green colorblindness will have a problem with red. I will attempt to resolve these conflicts. Thank you for your comment and suggestion.

    2. Terrel,

      I have updated the colors on this page, and the calendar as a whole. Are you having problems on all pages with yellow or white text, or primarily on this page. Is the black on orange in the top menu a problem? Are you having problems with the white on black on the main menu? Are you having a problem with the white text on the blue background of the Freedom Pen banner? Are you having problem with the white text in the How-To video page sub-titles.? Please let me know where else I should adjust to help people with cataracts.

      I can not change the color of existing text in videos. I have problem with the color of the text in many of the videos. I will attempt to improve the coloring in the text videos, but, that is a problem that will only improve in future videos, not past videos.

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