What’s My Volume

If you’re looking to find what volume urn you will need, check this link. If you know what volume urn you need, stay right here and find out if the urn you plan to turn will have that volume.

Urn by Kade Bolger

This article was created for folks that want to estimate the volume that can be contained in a vessel of a custom shape. This can be used for various reasons, but, it is primarily for the creators of urns that are not a standard box or cylinder shapes.

If you can use the tool to draw the outline of the vessel interior, this article will give you a very reasonable estimate of the volume. Hit the HELP button below for details on how to use the tool.

Remember: This is only an estimator. Accuracy will depend on how accurately you draw the interior of the vessel and your accuracy with the rectangles. It is not exact, but, it will give reasonable estimates.


Volume Estimator


Using the estimator:

  • Enter the height in units you prefer (inches, cm, mm).
  • Use the control sliders to assign the interior base radius and lip radius.
  • Click and drag the control dots to create the shape of the inside of the container.
  • Adjust the slider for each rectangular layer (reflecting the radius of the shape at each layer)
  • Read the volume in cubic units of the units you entered (ex: enter height in centimeters and read volume in cubic centimeters).

Note: The shape you’re drawing is the inside of the container, NOT the outside.

Note: Adjusting the rectangles, try to “center” the right edge over the curve as you find in the sample positioning. This centering is critical to a reasonable estimate.

Note: All rectangle widths correspond to the radius at that layer; from center of the vessel to the inside wall of the vessel.

Disclaimer: This is only an estimate. Your actual interior shape will vary from the drawn shape, and therefore, effect the actual result of your final volume. However, this will give you a very reasonable estimate of the final volume in your container.

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  • Nothing yet.
  • Nothing yet.
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  • Nothing yet.
  • Nothing yet.