Woodturned Lidded Box with Grain Matching by Matt Harber

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Box with Lid

Steps (page 1):

  1. Mount the wood blank between centers.
  2. Turn the blank round.
  3. Turn a tenon on BOTH ends.
  4. Mount the blank in the chuck, use tailstock support.
  5. Separate the lid from the box bottom.
    • Turn the tenon on the lid at this time, before separation.
    • Be sure to leave room for a knob on top, if you want one.
    • Grain matching will be better if you use a thin parting tool and leave the tenon shorter.
Blank being turned

Steps (page 2):

  1. Mount the lid in the chuck, clean up and finish the inside of the lid, including the tenon.
  2. Mount the box in the chuck.
  3. Hollow the box bottom and shape the outside.
    • Carefully make sure the tenon fits the box snugly. Don’t go too wide on the box interior.
    • Leave room to part the bottom off and undercut it slightly
  4. Put the lid into the box, matching the grain, bring up tail stock support.
  5. Turn and sand the joint between the lid and box, so they match.
  6. TAPE the lid to the box securely. Remove the tail stock.
  7. Turn the top of the lid to final, including a knob if desired.
  8. Remove the tape and lid.
  9. Turn the lower part of the box and part off the box.
    • Undercutting the box bottom will help it to sit flat on the table.
Top view of texturing
Side view of box

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