Safety Check List

Our thanks to Michelle Curry for suggesting a safety list for review before you go into the shop. Every woodworker should make safety their top priority in their shop.

The following is a safety check list for your review:

  • Mentally & physically are you ready to turn (or work in the shop)?
  • Are you taking any over the prescription or counter medications that may cause doziness?
  • Have you had any alcohol that could impair your performance?
  • Are you retreating to your shop because of an emotional disturbance?
  • Is your work area clear of obstacles that could cause you to trip?
  • Is your area clear of wires, cables, etc?
  • Is your clothing tight to your body, to prevent catching on the lathe?
    • Are the sleeves out of reach of the lathe?
    • Wear a belt around a smock to keep it out of the way of the lathe.
    • Pull back or cover long hair to stay out of the lathe.
    • Remove bracelets, long tangling earings, watches etc, that might catch.
  • Do you have facial protection?
    • Face shield
    • Eye Glasses (goggles)
    • Respirator
  • Do you have a First Aid Kit nearby, and do you know how to use it?
    (Including tourniquet)
  • Is there a fire extinguisher nearby?
  • If you are working for many hours, take frequent breaks (You do not want to get too tired).
    • During the breaks, stretch your hands, arms, and back … to flex your muscles.
  • Keep Hydrated.
  • If one mistake happens, consider calling it a day.
  • If two mistakes happen, it is definitely time to call it a day.

If you don’t like this list, make a list of your own. Be safe in your shop.