Coloring Process On A Live Edge Bowl with Dale Slaughter

This is a natural edge bowl sanded to 320 grit.

Natural Edge Bowl Sanded to 320 Grit

Using Hampshire Sheen intrinsic colors, I apply the colors by folding a piece of paper towel into a pad, put a small amount on then pad, then apply to the bowl.

Step 1: COlor it black.

The first step is to color it black. I then use a hair drier to dry the color. Next I sand back the black with the grit that I used for the final sanding.

Sand off much of black coloring

Before applying the next the next color I wipe off the sanding dust with a paper towel dampened with denatured alcohol.

The next color I added on this bowl was Forest

Apply layer of green Hampshire Sheen

green. Again I dry the color with the hair drier before lightly sanding back the color, then clean of the sanding dust.

Then I applied the final color Pear Green. After drying the final color I brushed on 2 coats of shellac.

Apply 2 coats of Shellac.

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