Featured: Custom Bowl Segmenting Jig with Robert Grinstead

Custom Bowl Segmenting Jig from Robert Grinstead

segmenting jig
… Segmented Work …
segmenting jig
Segmenting Jig

When creating my segmented project, I used a special jig to position segments. Someone asked to have the jig posted on the web site. This is the jig.

I can’t take credit for the original idea. It came from “Earl’s Small Segment” shop on youtube.

I made my jig from a $5 combination square and a 5/8 piece of round stock. There are lots of other ways to make it.

index wheel setup

In conjunction with an index wheel to provide the correct spacing around the work piece. Insert the 5/8″ rod into a jacob’s chuck in the tail stock. Use the tool rest to support the ruler. The slider/ruler is used to position each piece at the correct distance from the center of the work piece.

Using index wheel & jig
Jig in Use

Sequence of pictures:

Using index wheel & jig
Using index wheel & jig
Using index wheel & jig
Using index wheel & jig

If I can get an editor for android, I will create a video to provide a demo.

Robert Grinstead