Turning a Cupcake Box with Ron Pollmann

The following documents were provided by Ron Pollmann to accompany his demonstration on 2025-03-05. The documents include 2 PDFs. One contains a graphic description, the second is a detail instructions list. Enjoy.

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Blank: Sizes notedTo turn a cupcake box, starting with a blank: 3″ X 3″ X 4″ (76mm x 76mm x 102mm) – maple or other close-grained hardwood

Ron Pollmann’s original video demonstration follows the steps list below.


  1. Cupcake base

    • Mount blank between centers and rough blank round, then make tenon to fit chuck jawsRoughing gouge/parting tool
    • Reverse mount blank in chuck and mark bottom of cupcake base at 2″ (50 mm) from tailstock endPencil
    • Cut 2.6″ (65mm) top diameter of cupcake base and 2″ (50mm) bottom diameter of cupcake base1/8″ Parting tool / caliper
    • Base: Parted top and bottom diametersCut 1/8″ into blank to left of cupcake bottom to allow room for router tool movement1/8″ Parting tool
    • Base: Cut taper to join top and bottom diametersTaper cupcake base in straight line from top diameter to bottom diameter, check with straightedgeRoughing gouge / skew/straight edge
    • Flatten top edge of cupcake base about 1/2″ (13 mm) in from edge towards centerSkew
  2. Turn cupcake base with 24 flute cuts

    • Router platformReplace tool rest with router platformRouter platform
    • Align router bit to lathe centerlineAlign tip of router bit with tailstock live centerRouter with 90 degree bit
    • Align platform to match taper of cupcake baseAlign front edge of router platform with taper of cupcake base, with router bit extending – 1/8″ (3mm) into base
    • Turn off / unplug lathe and wear hearing protectionImportant safety tip
    • Bring up tailstock and lock lathe indexer into first indent
    • Move router slowly down length of cupcake base, cutting first fluteSwitch on router away from blank
    • Move indexer to second indent and make second router cut
    • Readjust router platform depth into blank until a perfect flute is formed by these first two cuts
    • Use router to cut 24 flutesMove indexer and make all remaining flute cuts
    • Sand, clean with DNA, and color flutesSand flutes, remove dust with brush and clean flutes with denatured alcohol – helps with color saturation240 grit sandpaper/brush/DNA
    • Color flutes with Tombow markersTombow markers
  3. Hollow cupcake base

    • Mark base lid OD at 52 mm or to expansion size of chuck jawsLid OD: mark top of cupcake base ~1/8″ (3mm) from bottom of flutes, this diameter needs to be ~ 52mmPencil/ruler or caliper
    • Drill 40mm deep hole with 1.25” Forstner bitMount Jacobs chuck in tailstock with 1.25″ (32mm) Forstner bitJacobs chuck/1.25″ Forstner bit
    • Drill hole 1.6″ (40 mm) deep in cupcake base
    • Cut lid OD, hollow, and sand inside of cupcake baseLid OD: Cut 1/8″ (3 mm) deep lip for cupcake lidParting tool
    • Hollow cupcake base to lid ID leaving ~ 1/8″ (3mm) for lid recess, use straw/compressed air to clear chipsScraper / carbide hollowing tool / straw
    • Sand inside of cupcake base240/320 grit sandpaper – 500 rpm
  4. Part off cupcake base

    • Double check depth of cupcake base before next step to ensure you don’t make a funnelDepth gauge
    • Part off cupcake baseCut off cupcake base at about 1 3/4″ (45 mm), slightly undercuting bottomParting tool

OperationTool / Comments

  1. Cupcake lid

    • Flatten bottom of lidFlatten face of blank that remains in chuckSkew or parting tool
    • Measure cupcake base lip OD, set caliper to slightly larger than this diameter Caliper
    • Measure base OD and cut tenon: ~ 53mmCut tenon on blank to lip OD diameter, testing fit of cupcake base until base fits tightly into lid tenonParting tool / caliper
    • Slide cupcake base onto tenon and mark outside diameter of flutes on lid blank Pencil
    • Cut from outside diameter line to tenon, depth to match lid recess in cupcake base1/8″ parting tool
    • Use cupcake base to size tenon and mark OD of flutes on lidTest fit cupcake base to ensure flutes fit inside lid
    • Cut back tenon to ensure lid fits inside base (lid slightly overhangs flutes), cut small relief on lid tenonParting tool
    • Begin shaping top of lid, leaving 1/16″ (1.5mm) to 1/8″ (3mm)outside of flutes for lid overhang3/8″ spindle gouge
    • Reverse mount lid and finish shapingReverse chuck top and finish dome of lid3/8″ spindle gouge/skew
    • Sand, clean with DNA, and color lidSand lid top, remove dust and clean with denatured alcohol240 grit sandpaper/DNA – 500 rpm
    • Use markers to color four concentric rings on top of lidTombow markers
    • Knurl colored sections of lid at various anglesTexture four concentric rings in top of lid500 rpm
      • center ring with knurling tool at centerline of lidknurling tool
      • second ring with knurling tool above centerline of lidknurling tool
      • third ring with knurling tool below centerline of lidknurling tool
      • final ring with knurling tool at centerline of lidknurling tool
    • Re-color concentric rings to saturate texturing, if desiredTombow markers
    • Remove lid and color bottom or leave naturalTombow markers
  2. Finish cupcake base bottom

    • Reverse mount cupcake base and clean up cupcake bottomParting tool/skew
    • Sand bottom of cupcake bottom, remove dust with brush and clean with denatured alcohol240/320 grit sandpaper, brush, DNA
    • Color bottom of cupcake baseTombow markers
    • Inside of cupcake base: remove dust, clean with denatured alcohol and color or leave naturalTombow markers


The information above is associated with this video of the original Demo by Ron Pollmann.

Turning a Cupcake Box with Ron Pollmann

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